Open-source file compression and archival tool with high compression ratios.
Windows, myUniApps
myUniApps Student Desktop, All libraries
Convert files into professional-quality PDF documents.
Graphic design and video editing software by Adobe
Windows, Mac
ABP students, FoA students, FFAM students
eBook reader
FEIT students
SPSS module for Structural Equation Modelling
FEIT students
eBook reader supporting .cebx formats
With Data Reviewer & Data Interoperability extensions
Geographic Information System by ESRI
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
ABP students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Engineering software suite
myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
FEIT students
Encyclopedia for Australian plants
FVAS students
AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Revit, Maya and more
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
Learning Management System (LMS)
Transits of Venus and Mercury exercise & The Moons of Jupiter module
FoS students
View 3D structures from the NCBI Entrez retrieval service
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
FVAS students
x64 Terminal & Cygwin-X
FEIT students
Discovery Search
Lecture Capture
FEIT students
FBE students
FEIT students
Rendering software that can be found in ABP computer labs
ABP students
Version 5.1.013
FoA students
Version 9.1.0
FEIT students, FoS students
FoS students
Software to learn about or identify Eucalypts of Australia
FEIT students
FBE students
myUniApps FBE Desktop
Also available as a stand-alone App
FBE students
myUniApps FBE Desktop
FEIT students
FoS students
Online app providing students with the ‘statuses of all the labs for FEIT. [FEIT Apps]
FEIT students
Version 42
Encyclopedia for Australian plants
Version 1.4.3
FoS students
FTP client Version 3.46.3
Web browser by Mozilla
Windows, Mac
FEIT students
A powerful statistical environment that is used for immunophenotyping, cell cycle, proliferation, kinetics studies, quantitative population comparison, or plate screening assays.
Windows, Mac
Java-based mind mapping software
Digital audio workstations for creating music or podcasts.
FBE students
Landscape design software
Burnley Library
FoS students, FVAS students, MDHS students
Statistical program for data analysis
Interactive maths and graphing software
myUniApps Arts Desktop
The GNU Image Manipulation Program
Open Source Edition version 4.1.1
Web browser by Google
Create and customise graphs and analyse data
FVAS students
Pharmacology muscle simulation software
Mind mapping software
Video editing software by Apple.
Create and edit vector graphics
Community Edition version 2019.3.2
Including i-Tree Species
FoS students
Media library software by Apple
FEIT students
Version 5.5.0
FEIT students
Visual HTML editor
View data generated in LabChart
Detailed Maps of the Campus
Circuit (SPICE) Simulation Software
FEIT students
Email client by Apple
Technical computing system
Version 6.9b
FBE students
Programming environment for scientists and engineers
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
Mestralab MNova - Multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC-MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques
School of Chemistry students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Database software
myUniApps Student Desktop
Download to your device via Microsoft Azure
Download to your device via Microsoft Azure
Create and edit spreadsheets
Use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for free all in one mobile app
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and more
Store and share files and documents
Record and organise notes
Send and receive emails
Create and edit presentations
Project management software for planning, tracking, and managing projects efficiently.
myUniApps Student Desktop
2008 and 2016 versions
FEIT students
Workspace communication and video conferencing
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Versions available: 2016, 2019 & 2021
FBE students, FEIT students, FoS students, MDHS students
Create and edit documents
Version 2.9
FBE students
Package manager for LaTeX tools
All libraries
Statistical analysis software
Windows, myUniApps
SSH client
Version 1.8
FoS students
Version 8.0 CE
Version 8.2
System Design Platform by National Instruments
Windows, Mac
Advanced text editor with source code highlighting
Lightweight notetaking app by Apple
Qualitative data analysis software
Windows, Mac
FVAS students
Free project management software
myUniApps Arts Desktop
Interactive introduction to soil science
Create PebblePad Assets on the go
Evaluation 21 version
FEIT students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Release 0.71
FEIT students
SSH and Telnet client
Open-source Geographic Information System
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
For Chrome and Internet Explorer
Statistical computing and graphics software
Statistical programming environment Versions 3.5.0, 3.5.3, 3.6.1 & 3.6.3
FVAS students
FVAS students
FoA students
Microsoft Word plugin for RefWorks
Direct Export Helper
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Version 1.2.5001
Web browser by Apple
Powerful analytics software Version 9.4 including Document Conversion Server
Version 5.5
FBE students
FEIT students, FoS students
FoA students
Numerically oriented programming package
Browser plugin for viewing musical scores
Digital version of the Siku Quanshu encyclopedia
Microsoft plugin for interactive browser applications
Windows, Mac
Report cleaning, maintenance and IT issues
Solid modelling CAD and CAE program
General-purpose statistical software
FBE students
myUniApps FBE Desktop
myUniApps (64-bit)
FBE students
myUniApps (64-bit)
FBE students
FoS students
Draw chemical structures
Visual LaTeX editor
FEIT students
Version 2.2
FVAS students
The App for the University’s Safer Community Program
The Virtual Educational Observatory
FoS students
Code, Community & Enterprise (v. 2019)
Media player supporting a wide range of file types
FEIT students
Install or reinstall a licensed version of Windows
Unicode text editor for Windows 10 and 11
SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3 and SCP client Version 5.15.2
Technical computing software
Inlcuding WolframScript
MLS students
Integrated development environment for macOS
Baillieu Library (Parkville), ERC Library (Parkville)
An application to view XPS files.
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Video conferencing/webinar software application
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Online app providing students with the ‘statuses of all the labs for FEIT. [FEIT Apps]
FEIT students
Workspace communication and video conferencing
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Geographic Information System by ESRI
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
Engineering software suite
myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Revit, Maya and more
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
A powerful statistical environment that is used for immunophenotyping, cell cycle, proliferation, kinetics studies, quantitative population comparison, or plate screening assays.
Windows, Mac
FoS students, FVAS students, MDHS students
Statistical program for data analysis
Create and customise graphs and analyse data
Circuit (SPICE) Simulation Software
Programming environment for scientists and engineers
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
Download to your device via Microsoft Azure
Download to your device via Microsoft Azure
Project management software for planning, tracking, and managing projects efficiently.
myUniApps Student Desktop
Workspace communication and video conferencing
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Versions available: 2016, 2019 & 2021
Statistical analysis software
Windows, myUniApps
System Design Platform by National Instruments
Windows, Mac
Qualitative data analysis software
Windows, Mac
Statistical computing and graphics software
Powerful analytics software Version 9.4 including Document Conversion Server
Solid modelling CAD and CAE program
Code, Community & Enterprise (v. 2019)
Install or reinstall a licensed version of Windows
Unicode text editor for Windows 10 and 11
Technical computing software
Video conferencing/webinar software application
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Graphic design and video editing software by Adobe
Windows, Mac
ABP students, FoA students, FFAM students
Rendering software that can be found in ABP computer labs
ABP students
Convert files into professional-quality PDF documents.
Web browser by Mozilla
Windows, Mac
Digital audio workstations for creating music or podcasts.
Web browser by Google
Video editing software by Apple.
Media library software by Apple
Email client by Apple
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and more
Lightweight notetaking app by Apple
Web browser by Apple
Microsoft plugin for interactive browser applications
Windows, Mac
Media player supporting a wide range of file types
Integrated development environment for macOS
Baillieu Library (Parkville), ERC Library (Parkville)
Open-source file compression and archival tool with high compression ratios.
Windows, myUniApps
myUniApps Student Desktop, All libraries
Convert files into professional-quality PDF documents.
eBook reader
SPSS module for Structural Equation Modelling
eBook reader supporting .cebx formats
Encyclopedia for Australian plants
View 3D structures from the NCBI Entrez retrieval service
Software to learn about or identify Eucalypts of Australia
FEIT students
Encyclopedia for Australian plants
FTP client Version 3.46.3
Web browser by Mozilla
Windows, Mac
Java-based mind mapping software
Landscape design software
Burnley Library
Statistical program for data analysis
Interactive maths and graphing software
The GNU Image Manipulation Program
Web browser by Google
Pharmacology muscle simulation software
Mind mapping software
Create and edit vector graphics
Media library software by Apple
Visual HTML editor
View data generated in LabChart
Technical computing system
Programming environment for scientists and engineers
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and more
Package manager for LaTeX tools
All libraries
Statistical analysis software
Windows, myUniApps
Advanced text editor with source code highlighting
Qualitative data analysis software
Windows, Mac
Free project management software
Interactive introduction to soil science
SSH and Telnet client
Open-source Geographic Information System
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
Statistical programming environment Versions 3.5.0, 3.5.3, 3.6.1 & 3.6.3
Microsoft Word plugin for RefWorks
Powerful analytics software Version 9.4 including Document Conversion Server
Numerically oriented programming package
Browser plugin for viewing musical scores
Digital version of the Siku Quanshu encyclopedia
Microsoft plugin for interactive browser applications
Windows, Mac
Draw chemical structures
Visual LaTeX editor
Media player supporting a wide range of file types
SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3 and SCP client Version 5.15.2
An application to view XPS files.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Discovery Search
Lecture Capture
Detailed Maps of the Campus
Create and edit spreadsheets
Use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for free all in one mobile app
Store and share files and documents
Record and organise notes
Send and receive emails
Create and edit presentations
Workspace communication and video conferencing
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Create and edit documents
Create PebblePad Assets on the go
Report cleaning, maintenance and IT issues
The App for the University’s Safer Community Program
Video conferencing/webinar software application
Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Open-source file compression and archival tool with high compression ratios.
Windows, myUniApps
myUniApps Student Desktop, All libraries
FEIT students
FEIT students
With Data Reviewer & Data Interoperability extensions
Geographic Information System by ESRI
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
ABP students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Engineering software suite
myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
FEIT students
FVAS students
AutoCAD, 3DS Max, Revit, Maya and more
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
Transits of Venus and Mercury exercise & The Moons of Jupiter module
FoS students
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
FVAS students
x64 Terminal & Cygwin-X
FEIT students
FEIT students
FBE students
FEIT students
Version 5.1.013
FoA students
Version 9.1.0
FEIT students, FoS students
FoS students
Software to learn about or identify Eucalypts of Australia
FEIT students
FBE students
myUniApps FBE Desktop
Also available as a stand-alone App
FBE students
myUniApps FBE Desktop
FEIT students
FoS students
Version 42
Version 1.4.3
FoS students
FTP client Version 3.46.3
FEIT students
FBE students
Statistical program for data analysis
myUniApps Arts Desktop
The GNU Image Manipulation Program
Open Source Edition version 4.1.1
FVAS students
Mind mapping software
Community Edition version 2019.3.2
Including i-Tree Species
FoS students
FEIT students
Version 5.5.0
FEIT students
FEIT students
Version 6.9b
FBE students
Programming environment for scientists and engineers
Windows, Mac, myUniApps
Mestralab MNova - Multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC-MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques
School of Chemistry students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Database software
myUniApps Student Desktop
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and more
Project management software for planning, tracking, and managing projects efficiently.
myUniApps Student Desktop
2008 and 2016 versions
FEIT students
FBE students, FEIT students, FoS students, MDHS students
Version 2.9
FBE students
Statistical analysis software
Windows, myUniApps
SSH client
Version 1.8
FoS students
Version 8.0 CE
Version 8.2
Advanced text editor with source code highlighting
Qualitative data analysis software
Windows, Mac
FVAS students
myUniApps Arts Desktop
Evaluation 21 version
FEIT students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Release 0.71
FEIT students
Open-source Geographic Information System
myUniApps ABP Desktop, myUniApps FEIT GPU Desktop
For Chrome and Internet Explorer
Statistical programming environment Versions 3.5.0, 3.5.3, 3.6.1 & 3.6.3
FVAS students
FVAS students
FoA students
Direct Export Helper
myUniApps ABP Desktop
Version 1.2.5001
Powerful analytics software Version 9.4 including Document Conversion Server
Version 5.5
FBE students
FEIT students, FoS students
FoA students
General-purpose statistical software
FBE students
myUniApps FBE Desktop
myUniApps (64-bit)
FBE students
myUniApps (64-bit)
FBE students
FoS students
FEIT students
Version 2.2
FVAS students
The Virtual Educational Observatory
FoS students
FEIT students
SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3 and SCP client Version 5.15.2
Inlcuding WolframScript
MLS students
myUniApps ABP Desktop
FoS students, FVAS students, MDHS students
Mestralab MNova - Multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC-MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques
School of Chemistry students